Parish news
We have begun to restore and renew the altar; and have already finished
covering half of the refectory part. From the very beginning of the spring we
are also taking care of the territory around the temple and the cemetery near
it. We have nearly finished the works on the walls of the refectory part.
Nearly all the Bright Week we were serving the Divine Liturgy and performing
the religious procession. On Radonitsa Day we were praying about the diseased;
and on the victory Day the Dirge (requiem) was officiated on the common grave
of the Mogutovo village cemetery.
Solemnly and spiritually-gaily we've met the Day of the Holy Easter. All our
friendly parishioners were present on the Easter night. That Service probably
has left the best memories in peoples' souls.
After the Annunciation we are plastering and painting the lower part of the
temple, basically continuing the work of the last autumn.
The spring is coming late this year, but we are already starting the
restoration works outside the temple, in particular we are working on the
walls of the refectory part.
On the Candlemas Day, by the Divine mercy, the Icon of Mother of
God Tolgskaia was brought to our temple. It is a
copy of the wonder-working sacred image of the end of the 19-th century.
All the parishioners were deeply impressed by the icon, the people are
coming to it with faith and asking for help in their needs.
We have begun making the figured blanks for decorating the walls
of the refectory (the restorers are sawing the elements for the cornice,
columns etc. from the bricks ).
The Epiphany went very well, a lot of parishioners came to our
church both on the Epiphany Eve and the holiday itself. It was much more
people this year than the previous one. Soon after the Epiphany the
brick vaults of the refectory part of the church were constructed.
The New 2003 Year was met by us with prayer; we have performed the
New-year's Divine service . On Christmas Day our temple was full of
people. The night service (the Vespers) has passed with everybody having
bright festive spirit, and then there was a holiday meal.
We have made the so-called decking i.e. we've mounted the wooden
construct inside the refectory part in order to erect the brick vault
(the ceiling).
We have nearly finished the works on the lower chetverik, and now covering the refectory part of the temple with wood.
On the festival of the Protection of the Virgin even more people, than it was supposed, have come,
although it was a working-day.
A lot of people came to our temple on our patron saint's day the Pass away of St. Sergiy Radonezhsky.
Among them were the guests from the All-Gracious Saviour's temple which is near Zelenograd city.
The pupils of the Sunday school of that temple sang the festive Divine Liturgy together with our temple's
chorus. After the Service we performed the religious procession under the heavy rain.
We took care of the territory around the church, especially on the side where the cemetery is - cut the old trees, gathered and burnt the brushwood and fallen leaves.
The scaffolding has been completely removed until the upper chetverik, which later on was painted.
Now we are plastering the upper chetverik and restoring the lower one; besides the roofing of the refectory part of the church will be finished soon.
With the beginning of the new academic year fewer people are coming to our temple, but those of them who are still living in their summer houses, continue to visit our regular services.
The upper part of the temple, 3 vosmeriks, is completely restored and painted; 8 windows are inserted into the big vosmerik.
For the Day of the Virgin's Assumption our community has purchased the embroidered Shroud of the Blessed Virgin, made by the masters from Ufa. That decorated the Holiday very much. We also performed the Matins with the Act of Assumption, when the Shroud is been carried around the temple.
The restoration works in our temple are still being continued. Now we are
beginning to mend the refectory part of the church and the big vosmerik,
as well as covering with copper the drum and the small vosmerik. Much of
the work has been done already, but the major fragment of it is still to be
completed, so we ask you to do what one can to help our temple-memorial of
the 17-th century, which is rare both by its architectural beauty and style.
On Radonitsa Day the Divine Liturgy and the Dirge (requiem) in commemoration of
the died soldiers was officiated on the common grave of the Mogutovo village
cemetery. Everyone who defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War
was prayed for by name. The 9-th of May takes place during the Bright Week
(the first week after the Easter) this year, that's why the commemoration
was transferred to the Radonitsa Day.
His Eminence the Most Reverend Grigorij, the Archbishop of Mozhaisk, the Vicar
of the Moscow eparchy, visited us in Naro-Fomisk. He performed the Easter
Divine service in the temple of the Protection of the Virgin (in Petrovskoie
village), where during the Divine Liturgy he handed over the church rewards
to many clergymen of our district.
Our parish was thoroughly preparing for the Easter celebration; and the first
Easter Devine Service in the newly opened church passed merrily, solemnly,
with lots of people having come. Among them were the summer residents as well
as the inhabitants of Naro-Fominsk city. The bells were ringing, the ones
that were sacrificed specially for that day. All the people glorified the
God "with one mouth and one heart"
Cross consecration pictures were added to the gallery.
This week-end the bell that has just been made was brought to us.
Only one bell at the moment - the others will be delivered later.
Our temple is getting prepared for the Easter celebration.
On Saturday we had a big holiday. The restoration and the gilding
of the Cross were finished, so we consecrated and raised it with
our entire parish. Mother superior of the Trinity-Odigitri Zosima
Hermitage nun Elena together with sister Alla came to our holiday.
Everybody had a bright spring mood. Now the ancient Cross, renewed
and restored, shines all over the neighborhood from the temple’s
Some new photos were added to our photo gallery.
The covering of the cupola with yellow copper is finished and
now being renewed it shines brightly upon the spring sun. The
restoration of the Cross is also completed, its raising is coming
25.03 The first week of the Lent in our parish was passed in the Divine
Services, which were held both in the morning and in the evening according to
the full charter. The morning services were beginning at 7 and finishing at
about 11.30 AM, there were also the matins and “chasy”. In the evenings of the
first four days of the Lent the Great Penitential Canon by St. Andrew of Crete
has being read.
18.02 This Sunday two children choruses and the palmers from the temple
of All-Gracious Savior (near Zelenograd city) came to us. The children were
reading the prayers and singing brilliantly – they have two choruses: one – for
the senior pupils and the second – for the children between 7 and 10 years old.
Surprisingly, we still have such children choruses in the usual parish temples;
fortunately the singing groups of that kind are still being created. Our
parishioners couldn’t help crying this Sunday. They all seemed to be glad being
here despite the modest environment of our St. Sergiy Church – they even did not
want to leave.
On Sunday morning unexpected by all, the car broke down
and we had to take a taxi as far as our village. After the
Divine Liturgy lately for the first time the prayers for the
consecration of water were officiated. After the service we
baptised a young family (3 persons), for the first time there
was a christening in our church.
On the Eve of Epiphany intensive Divine Services according to
the monasterial rite took place in our Church the whole day
(morning and evening), on the same day there was a christening
in the morning and evening (night service, vigil towards the Sunday),
and there was a big consecration of water. The water for the consecration
was taken from a well, not far from the church and they also brought us
a whole reservoir of water from an underground drill hole (depth 850 meters).
There were not many people on these days, but many came just for the sacred
water, because in the surroundings in all the churches it quickly finished.
On all these days including Sunday Divine Liturgies took place. On Monday
we blessed a children"s rehabilitation centre for children with a disability
in the town of Naro-Fominsk.
The celebration of Christmas went very well. There were a lot of people
(40-45 persons) which is very amazing since there are no local inhabitants in
the village now. They came from Moscow, from Naro-Fominsk and from other inhabited
places in the region. On Christmas Eve we officiated the Divine Liturgy and Vespers.
The Christmas service we started at 22.00 o'clock on the 6th of January and ended
at 3.30 on the 7th of January. The service was long enough, because it was united;
the evening service (great evensong and matins) and the Divine Liturgy but the people
were satisfied.
Priest Makarij is on holidays from the 17th through the 29th of December.